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Final Recital, Hannah Elgas

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My final recital will include a great variety of different styles of music. The pieces that I picked to perform on this special day are pieces that are very close to my heart and have had an impact on me in different ways over the course of my existence as a musician and have, in some sort of way, shaped me into the player that I am today. I hope to portray myself as an artist with widely spread interest and skills during my final recital.

Artist statement

What makes my work unique is my curiosity and open mindedness towards new ways of interpretation in combination with my strong interest in historically informed performance.


Since chamber music is one of my greatest passions and fascinations, my dream is to establish a string quartet which would be ideally the main focus of my career.

Learned during the studies

Some of the most important thing I have learned during my studies range from the importance of mental practice, time management, to being a good entrepreneur next to being a strong and convincing musician. Another crucial thing I learned (maybe not in my studies but during the years of being a young musician) is the importance of living life the way young people should live their lives. The experiences we make in those formative years is what makes us interesting as artists in the long run. It's a balancing act between discipline and being able to let go which I am still trying to master.

Discovery of colours in Schumann’s Märchenbilder

How can the integration of stories or poetry into my performance of Schumann's Märchenbilder for viola and piano influence my interpretation of the piece?
My first step towards combining Schumann’s Märchenbilder with literature, more specifically, poetry, was to find one poem for each of the four movements that remind me of the general character of the movement in question. This involves rhythm, content, specific visual ideas I had about the music, key words, or just the general mood. I tried to match the music to poems that were written roughly around the same time as Schumann’s Märchenbilder or by poets who were contemporaries of Schumann.