Artist statement
I've always been the kind of person that would bounce from hobby to hobby. Taking in and learning as much as I could before moving on to the next. My everchanging passion projects have taught me to be flexible and quickly grasp the essence of a particular subject. This has given me a very broad foundation to build my skills on. My focus is more on the scripting side of game development. But I also greatly enjoy and can actively participate in (almost) every part of the creation process.
I enjoy working in teams where every person can voice their concerns and opinions on the problem at hand. I will voice my thoughts and want others to do the same. A product realised through the effort and input of the full team will always be greater than any individual project, however talented the individual making it may be.
I know you're supposed answer this with lofty goals to aim for. But honestly, I just hope to have a job, stable income, and a place to call my own in five years
Learned during the studies
The most important thing I learned is to iterate iterate and iterate again, with some testing in between to see if you're on the right path.