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BLOODY HELL 2 is a sequel to our first released game, Bloody Hell. For the sequel, we wanted to up the combat design and the environmental design options. For this I took it upon myself to redesign the combat and make it fit in an isometric perspective and still fitting with the core pillars of our previous game.

Artist statement

As a Game Designer I specialize in Gameplay Design, next to that, I try to tackle most other aspects of Game Development, like Game Programming and Game Art, in those aspects my focus is mainly on Gameplay Programming and Technical Art such as VFX.
I do this so that I can broaden my design view, implement all the design work myself and make it satisfying to play with.


I am one of 3 founders of Pun Intended, my goal is to keep this company afloat with the release of our new game, BLOODY HELL 2.

Learned during the studies

During my time at the HKU I've come to meet many who have inspired me and have allowed me to push myself further than I ever could alone.

List of publications / exhibitions / prices / concerts / shows etc.

During my time at the HKU I, together with 2 fellow students, have released our first game Bloody Hell. Which was a much bigger success than we could have ever anticipated. During my time at HKU I also developed a whole load of different games, but none have been released on large platforms, and all of them functioned to help me grow as a Game Designer.