Artist statement
For Pauline Meijer, nature serves as the foundation for her work. Through numerous walks in the forest, she documents stories and phenomena from and within nature. It is the little things in nature that never fail to amaze her. At the same time, nature can make her feel small. In her installation "Vergaan en Groei", she makes the powerful cycle of the forest visible. A fallen tree, mushrooms feeding on it, or a vibrant tree are some of the different stages of growth and decay depicted in her work. This cycle of life is not only visible in the depiction of the installation but also in her choice of
materials. Pauline not only recycles paper but upcycles the material, bringing a new forest to life. Her innovative use of recycled materials breathes new life into her creations, mirroring nature's process of renewal. By incorporating natural pigments and utilizing the walls as a canvas, her work transforms into a vibrant representation of the constantly evolving allure of the forest.
Over 5 jaar hoop ik mijn onderzoek naar mijn materiaal en het kleuren van mijn materiaal met planten verder te hebben verdiept.
Geleerd tijdens de studie
Hoe ik mij zelf als kunstenaar kan ontwikkelen ook na de opleiding.
Overzicht van publicaties / exposities / prijzen / concerten / voorstellingen etc.
May 2024 These hands think about you all, AG Gallery (Utrecht)
Group exhibition with: Ana Navas and classmates
Feb 2024 Assemble, Peek pastoe (Utrecht)
Jan 2023 Group exhibition with: Saskia Bentez, Joost Hutjes, Beeke van wingaarden
Frames (Utrecht)
Feb 2021 Duo exhibition with: Yingtong Zhou
P.Art ( Den Dolder)
Group exhibition with: Katinka Kuipers, Sophia ‘t Hart, Berber Lambrechts, Dide Lichtenberg,
Chelsea van der Bend, Maria Marta, Jenneke Dijk