Artist statement
As a photographer, I'm looking for a way to capture the unique beauty of people I encounter in the queer nightlife scene in the photo studio. My focus is on self-expression, where I don't influence how the people I photograph look. My work is a celebration of diversity, community, and the courage to be oneself.
My photography is a means to inspire people who struggle to find their own self-expression and encourage them to embrace themselves. As I am on a journey to find my own identity, I feel a deep admiration for my subjects.
I am inspired by the people I meet in the queer nightlife and their courage to be authentic in a world that often rejects this. My goal is to give a voice to those who don't feel safe in everyday life and to create a space where everyone is seen and appreciated for who they truly are
In 5 years the photo book that will enhance this project will be published and sold in different book stores.
I can manage to live of photography and I won't need a side job.
Geleerd tijdens de studie
That my personal life involves way more in my art then I ever expected.
Overzicht van publicaties / exposities / prijzen / concerten / voorstellingen etc.
"People I Admire"
Kabul Á GoGo, Pride weekend
What You See Festival