How to meet the other? When exclusion provides the longed-for sense of belonging, how to meet the ‘other’?
How to meet the world again — following objects, sounds, and hidden whispers; tracing surfaces.
Performance dates/times:
June 21 (Fri.) 16:15
June 22 (Sat.) 16:00
June 29 (Sat.) 16:00

Artist statement
Natsumi Sakai (b. 1999), artist currently based in Den Haag
Starting from sensing an undefined-ness, my practice goes through sadness and pain towards what is dismissed, because it cannot fit into the framework of words. At the same time, words are an integral part of my practice, because I find beauty in the desperate action of twisting words to tell the untellable. It is an aspect of utterance that harbors the will to reach (out to) an ‘other’ and simultaneously harbors its futility.
Learned during the studies
List of publications / exhibitions / prices / concerts / shows etc.
‘DEAR SHAPES IN SPACE IV’(GROUP) Neck of the Woods Gallery, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
‘F.I.R.E.’(GROUP PERFORMANCE) Schoorlse Kunsten (schok), Schoorl, the Netherlands
‘TEMPORARY CASCO_TAKE_OVER MINI EXHIBITION’(GROUP) Casco Art Institute, Utrecht, the Netherlands
‘TAAL (CONCEPT) IN BEELD’(GROUP) Projektrumite Westend, the Hague, the Netherlands
“NOTATIONS” Barefoot Journal Issue #1 Opacity (
“STORY OF A PERSON WHO WANTS TO BE A STONE AND OTHERS”, Page Not Found, the Hague, the Netherlands
Through I-You-Other
This is the edge before everything turns dark
This is the edge before things start to fade and merge in fluidity
Breaking in pieces
In pieces, in pieces, in pieces….
(Excerpt from 2021, see appendix for full text)
The I goes through the tunnel of the Night as a purge, to rid itself of life, to stroke upon the surface of death. It is the act of overlaying a non-being on top of being.

Following Objects
June 21 (Fri.) 16:15
June 22 (Sat.) 16:00
June 29 (Sat.) 16:00