Ander thema

Everdew's Maypleforge

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Graduation project

A game-ready interactive weaponshop, where testing weapons is the main objective, so I can motivate Action-RPG players to test a weapon and support them in choosing one. This all without the use of a GUI menu (Graphical User Interface).

Artist statement

Nadja May is a 3D environment and prop artist with a love for drawing, making environments, researching, Blender and Unreal Engine 5. 


I hope to work at a fun AAA of indie game-studio with nice co-workers. I hope to learn a lot and I hope to have a lot of fun.

Learned during the studies

Working together!

List of publications / exhibitions / prices / concerts / shows etc.

2024 - Graduated with Double Honors

2023 - Certificate of Achievement, Global Game Jam, Jeonbuk, South Korea.

2023 - Career finalist & Draft Selection, The Rookie Awards, The Rookies

Online-tutorial: Using vertex paint on trimsheets to create unique story-telling assets

I made a tutorial for my double honors about trimsheets and how to use them with vertex paint (in Unreal Engine 5) to create unique assets.