Dutch cities are becoming increasingly homogeneous. Meticulously crafted policy documents ensure that nothing is left to chance when it comes to the appearance of the city. In this way, the city appears seemingly perfect, with no room for imperfection, disorganization, decay, or alternative forms. Moreover, by predefining and over-planning everything, innovation and creativity will vanish from the cityscape. It is precisely chaos, disruptions, and imperfections that inject vitality into a city and drive its development forward. The vacant spaces created by destruction and change can serve as fertile ground for the implementation of new structures and ideas. Introducing unpredictable, non-predefined space can bring innovation and creativity back into the urban landscape, allowing the city to continually evolve and rejuvenate itself.
In an era where cities strive for an idealized perfection, designers face the challenge of instigating change. Disruptive design, also known as creative destruction, presents itself as a powerful tool for effecting meaningful transformation. By intentionally disrupting established systems and norms, designers can provoke reevaluation and pave the way for positive social change.
For this project I specifically focused on my hometown of Utrecht and designed five posters that were screen printed on untreated steel. Steel is a material that is mentioned in the policy documents of the municipality of Utrecht and should be preserved in a certain way. I have chosen not to use conservation techniques, so the material can rust over time, which will add a third layer to the design. This illustrates that there is also aesthetics to be found in imperfection.

Artist statement
Danique Merkestein (1998, NL) is a graphic designer and visual artist based in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
She is interested in image-making and storytelling. Her work often originates in or is inspired by (personal) collections. Form and colour play an important role. She focuses on print, editorial design, poster design and identities both commissioned and autonomous.
Within five years I would like to have gained experience at multiple design studio's, while building my own practice.
Learned during the studies
Studying in a creative setting helped me discover my own abilities and goals as a designer.
List of publications / exhibitions / prices / concerts / shows etc.
(2023) Gather / Assemble, Vogelvrei — Utrecht
(2022) De Verdieping, AG — Utrecht
(2022) Solo Exhibition, Sissi’s Expo — Amsterdam
(2022) Uit Het Gareel, Paard — Den Haag
(2018) Quater Past Tens, Joey Ramone — Rotterdam

Ruined Space: De Waarde van Verval
In mijn woonplaats Utrecht valt mijn oog vaak op afwijkende elementen in het uniforme straatbeeld, zoals grofvuil, braakliggende terreinen en vervallen gebouwen. Deze verstoringen tonen de ware aard van de stad, die doorgaans niet te vinden is in het 'perfecte' stadscentrum. Als grafisch ontwerper omarm ik een proces van creatieve vernietiging, waarbij ik elementen uit eerder werk deconstrueer om nieuwe uitdrukkingen te creëren. Deze verstoringen binnen een gepolijst raamwerk inspireren mij en vormen de basis voor mijn esthetiek. Het onderdrukken van deze verstoringen in de stad is een opkomend fenomeen dat ik als problematisch beschouw. In dit essay bespreek ik hoe de opkomst van de 'gelikte' stad, een alternatief en creativiteit beperkt en hoe ruïnatie van metaforische waarde kan zijn voor de innovatie van een stad.