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Between Space and Conciousness

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Between space and consciousness staat voor de weg die ik als ontwerper heb bewandeld. Het idee om met de elementen te werken is altijd al een droom van mij geweest, maar het heeft zeker meer diepgang gekregen dankzij mijn studie aan de HKU. Dit heeft er uiteindelijk ook toe geleid om nog twee elementen toe te voegen in mijn presentatie. Namelijk de ruimte en de geest. Het element vuur staat voor mijn passie, water voor mijn inspiratie waar nog veel in ontdekt kan worden, aarde voor gronden, lucht voor het presenteren in de wijde wereld, de geest voor mijn wilskracht en de ruimte staat voor mijn rijke fantasie en verbeeldingskracht.

Artist statement

I frequently experience the strong desire to escape reality, to romanticize life, and to not think about the hardships that we face every day. With my work I hope to invite people to write their own narrative. I design for the dreamers in this world, who have one foot in the fantasy world.
When I work, I take inspiration from all things surrounding nature that have a spiritual undertone. I like to work with different materials to really create a dimension in my clothes and create some feel. The clothes I design are both for everyday wear and not. My goal is for people to tell their own story with the help of my clothes. I want people to be able to express their true self.
I am a firm believer that when people comfortably express themselves that they shine the brightest, so I hope I can help them achieve this one dream at a time.


In five years I'll be exploring, discovering and working on my label and who I am as a creator. A little dream of mine is to work for a big production someday, so there’s that. I also hope I’ll have helped a lot of clients feel special and will have helped them with their dreams.

Learned during the studies

The most important thing I learned was how to express myself. Thanks to this journey I truly found myself and discovered the importance of believing in myself. The rest I’m sure will follow later.